Projects - ImageKitchen - Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. What is ImageKitchen?

    ImageKitchen is a program to perform data acquisition, image processing, and presentation. It is written for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, and Linux by the Photonic Systems Group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  2. What are some of ImageKitchen's features?
    • ImageKitchen has a loadable hardware module system to make it easy to add support for new hardware devices. Drivers come with ImageKitchen to control serial-port hardware, GPIB hardware, and Video For Windows based data acquisition devices.
    • ImageKitchen has a built in scripting language based on the Lua scripting language. Extensions have been added for two-dimensional array data processing, hardware device control, and data display.
    • Interactive debugging environment for scripts.
    • Multiple scripts can run simultaneously to handle complex data acquisition tasks.
    • Can display data in one, two, or three-dimensional plots. Plotting commands can be controlled through the scripting language.
    • Can read/write data with other software by producing text or binary output.
  3. What is Lua?

    Lua is the scripting language embedded into ImageKitchen. It is a product of Tecgraf at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. It is a compact, flexible, and extensible scripting language.

  4. What license will ImageKitchen be available under?

    ImageKitchen is released under the terms of the GNU Public License.

  5. When will it be available?

    See ImageKitchen Home for current version.

  6. Will a binary only version be released for Windows?

    Perhaps, this requires compiling the Release version to avoid shipping the debug libraries. When time permits I may do this. I can release a binary of the Debug version now, but I'm not sure that would do anyone any good since one could compile from source just as easily if they have Visual Studio.


  1. What software is required to build ImageKitchen?

    The windows version of ImageKitchen was built under MS Visual Studio 5.0. If you use this version everything should be pretty straight forward. There may be some problems with using later versions of Visual Studio, please E-mail us if you run into any problems.

    The Linux version requires "make" and "gcc" to build the project. You will also need gtk and glut. If you have a fairly recent version of RedHat or Mandrake you should have everything needed.